Wordsmith.org: Today's Word

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Today's Quote:

Sunday, May 04, 2008


As a photographer I find it deeply satisfying to see some of the truly stupendous art, web pages, ads, and other uses of my photos. In many of the art photos, the original photo is all but unrecognizable in the finished product. This one in Devianart.com is just one example. Check it out. You can also check out some of my original photos on Morguefile.com (artist Puravida), and many other photo sites. The photos posted on Morguefile are available free of charge to any non-profit organization or person.

Spiral Spoken by ~Sparrow667 on deviantART

About Me

My photo
I live on the Pacific slopes of the Talamanca mountain range in southern Costa Rica. My adult children live in the United States. I have a Masters Degree in Gerontology but have worked as a migrant laborer, chicken egg collector, radio broadcaster, secretary, social worker, research director, bureaucrat, writer, editor, political organizer, publicist, telephone operator, and more. My hobby of photography has garnered some awards.

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