Wordsmith.org: Today's Word

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Today's Quote:

Monday, June 20, 2005

NEW! Costa Rica Photos, a companion blog

To make viewing easier, I have started a separate photoblog for The Real Costa Rica which also has information and commentary about each photo. Please check it out and give me feedback as to which photos you thought were excellent, good, fair, poor, or eh. Commentary, views and news, links, and other stuff will still appear on this blog. Photos will appear on the above link. Try it! You'll like it!


About Me

My photo
I live on the Pacific slopes of the Talamanca mountain range in southern Costa Rica. My adult children live in the United States. I have a Masters Degree in Gerontology but have worked as a migrant laborer, chicken egg collector, radio broadcaster, secretary, social worker, research director, bureaucrat, writer, editor, political organizer, publicist, telephone operator, and more. My hobby of photography has garnered some awards.

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